As the 2020 election approaches, it is important to ensure that all eligible voters have equal access to the polls. This includes individuals with disabilities, who may face barriers when it comes to exercising their right to vote. In Campbell County, Kentucky, efforts have been made to provide accommodations for voters with disabilities in order to promote inclusivity and accessibility in the voting process.
The Americans with Disabilities Act and Voting Rights
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed in 1990 to protect individuals with disabilities from discrimination in various areas of life, including voting. Under the ADA, polling places must be accessible to individuals with disabilities, and reasonable accommodations must be provided to ensure that they can cast their vote independently and privately. In Campbell County, the Board of Elections is responsible for ensuring that all polling places are ADA compliant.This includes providing ramps or other accessible entrances, accessible voting machines, and trained poll workers who can assist individuals with disabilities if needed.
Accessible Voting Machines
One of the key accommodations for voters with disabilities in Campbell County is the use of accessible voting machines. These machines are equipped with features such as audio ballots, large print options, and tactile buttons for individuals who are visually impaired or have difficulty using traditional voting methods. The Board of Elections also offers curbside voting for individuals who are unable to enter the polling place due to a disability. This allows them to cast their vote from their vehicle with the assistance of a poll worker.Assistance at the Polls
In addition to accessible voting machines, poll workers in Campbell County are trained to assist individuals with disabilities in casting their vote. This may include helping them fill out their ballot, reading the ballot to them, or providing other accommodations as needed. It is important to note that individuals with disabilities have the right to bring someone of their choice to assist them at the polls.This could be a family member, friend, or caregiver. However, poll workers are also available to provide assistance if needed.
Accessible Voter Registration
In order to vote in any election, individuals must first register to vote. In Campbell County, the Board of Elections offers accessible voter registration options for individuals with disabilities. This includes online registration, which allows individuals to complete the process from the comfort of their own home. The Board of Elections also offers voter registration forms in alternative formats, such as large print or braille, for individuals who may have difficulty filling out a traditional form.Advocating for Voting Rights
While efforts have been made in Campbell County to provide accommodations for voters with disabilities, there is still work to be done.It is important for individuals with disabilities and their advocates to continue advocating for their voting rights and ensuring that polling places are accessible and accommodating. One way to do this is by reporting any issues or barriers encountered while trying to vote. The Board of Elections has a designated ADA Coordinator who can address any concerns and work towards finding solutions.